Category: Rail Safety
Level Crossing Safety Analysis: Judds Road Crossing, Masterton
Due to the Wairarapa Level Crossing Upgrade Programme being conducted by Kiwirail, some level crossings in the Wairarapa District must be closed. One of those proposed for closure is at Judds Road in Masterton. There are two key safety issues to be addressed at Judds Road Level Crossing and others like it. Using the above…
Level Crossing Upgrade Programme For Wairarapa Line
Kiwirail and Waka Kotahi are working on a programme of level crossing upgrades in the Wairarapa at the present time. At the time of writing this post some difficulty was experienced in determining actually which Government policy announcement covers the level crossing upgrade programme but it appears to date from the announcement of the Wellington…
Significant Level Crossing Safety Risks At Waingawa Logging Hub / Waingawa Industrial Park
Waingawa is a station at 85 km on the Wairarapa Line, 9 km north of Carterton and within Carterton District. The site was formerly known for the Waingawa Freezing Works, which had its own industrial sidings. There was a platform and station building for passenger use. It is likely that this would have included some…
Telephone Road Level Crossing To Close
Waka Kotahi, Kiwirail and Waikato District Council have jointly announced the closure of Telephone Road Level Crossing, located at 11.08 km on the East Coast Main Trunk Railway between Ruakura and Eureka, to motor vehicle traffic. As referenced in the preceding post, this crossing has been rated dangerous due to a number of factors, including:…
Integrated Safety Assessments For Level Crossings
To date TSBNZ has spent a fair bit of time looking at level crossing safety. Along the way one of the learnings has been the apparent extent to which the agencies concerned are operating their own systems for managing level crossing safety in isolation from each other and blaming the other for safety problems. The…
Marton Fatal LC Accident Highlights Council Ignorance Of Rail Safety
TAIC has released a report RO-2021-102 about a fatal level crossing accident at Saunders Road, Marton. On 13 May 2021, a road marking truck was hit by a train approaching from the north, resulting in the death of the truck’s driver. The enquiry found that the company which was performing the road marking work at…
Dangerous Level Crossing In Dannevirke
A NewsTalkZB article has highlighted a dangerous level crossing in Dannevirke at the corner of Rawhiti Street and State Highway 1. Although the article was concerned with bad driver behaviour, it is noted that the intersection with a railway crossing through one side of creates very typical safety problems related to the presence of the…
Rolleston Level Crossing Upgrade Proposed [2]
Rolleston is to get some road and rail safety improvements as part of the NZ Upgrade Project. The key feature of this NZTA Waka Kotahi project is a flyover between the Rolleston residential and commercial sectors, which will provide a safe grade-separated crossing over State Highway 1 and the Main South Line railway. It is…
Introduction – Crossing Safety in Waimakariri District [1]
Waimakariri District Council is a territorial authority in North Canterbury with a boundary that borders Christchurch City, Selwyn District, Hurunui District and the South Pacific Ocean. The main population of Waimakariri District is situated in the eastern coastal region of its territory, close to State Highway 1, State Highway 71 and the Main North railway…