Level Crossing Upgrade Programme For Wairarapa Line

Kiwirail and Waka Kotahi are working on a programme of level crossing upgrades in the Wairarapa at the present time. At the time of writing this post some difficulty was experienced in determining actually which Government policy announcement covers the level crossing upgrade programme but it appears to date from the announcement of the Wellington Metro Upgrade Programme in October 2018. Various sources have stated that there are 30 public level crossings in the Wairarapa so one of the functions of this article is to document all 30 of those crossings. So far TSBNZ’s requests to Kiwirail for safety and other information on these crossings have been ignored however. This information is important because consultation has started with Wairarapa residents and they are being told that various crossings (which seems to be a large number of crossings across Wairarapa so far) are being considered for closure. Due to the lack of information, the purpose of this post is to examine all those crossings and determine whether the design of any of them is dangerous. TSBNZ will try from other public sources of information to work out whether crossings are dangerous or not but this is not very accurate or helpful, so the fallback is looking at the design features, traffic volumes and any warning devices provided. Crossings are in order of their track distance.

The information is mainly compiled from Kiwirail’s ALCAM level crossing viewer website. Daily figures shown are averages.

NameWestern Lake Road Featherston (Speedys Crossing)
Track Distance55 km
Road NameWestern Lake Road
Nearest TownFeatherston
Traffic ControlsStop Signs
Daily Trains22
Daily Vehicles530
Road AuthoritySouth Wairarapa District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentThis crossing may be dangerous because curves in the rail track could result in a reduction of sight lines for trains approaching from both directions.
Multiple serious level crossing accidents have occurred at this crossing but the specific details such as the direction of traffic and trains aren’t completely known at this time.
NameBrandon Street Featherston
Track Distance56.24 km
Road NameBrandon Street
Nearest TownFeatherston
Lat/Long:-41.1187, 175.3213
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles351
Road AuthoritySouth Wairarapa District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentThere are no apparent design issues around this crossing.
NameSH53 Revans Street Featherston
Track Distance56.46 km
Road NameSH53
Nearest TownFeatherston
Lat/Long:-41.1174, 175.3234
Traffic ControlsBarrier Arms
Daily Trains13
Daily Vehicles2275
Road AuthorityNZTA
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentRisk exists of overshoot of the crossing due to driver distraction from right turning maneuvers at the adjacent Daniell Street intersection.
Close proximity to the SH2 crossing suggests one of the crossings should be considered for closure by shifting the junction of SH53.
NameSH2 Fitzherbert Street Featherston
Track Distance56.53 km
Road NameSH2
Nearest TownFeatherston
Lat/Long:-41.117, 175.3241
Traffic ControlsBarrier Arms
Daily Trains13
Daily Vehicles8306
Road AuthorityNZTA
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentRisk exists of overshoot of the crossing due to driver distraction from right turning maneuvers at the adjacent Daniell Street intersection. There is also the question of whether sufficient stacking clearance is achieved from the same intersection.
Close proximity to the SH53 crossing suggests one of the crossings should be considered for closure by shifting the junction of SH53. This chould be done in conjunction with improved traffic safety at SH2/SH53 road junction, i.e. a roundabout or traffic lights.
NameFox Street Featherston
Track Distance56.69 km
Road NameFox Street
Nearest TownFeatherston
Lat/Long:-41.1161, 175.3255
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles571
Road AuthoritySouth Wairarapa District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentThe crossing is dangerous because it has two adjacent road T intersections. These intersections create insufficient stacking clearance for long road vehicles to be clear of both the railway and the intersection in both directions.
NameBell Street Featherston
Track Distance56.92 km
Road NameBell Street
Nearest TownFeatherston
Lat/Long:-41.1148, 175.3276
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains9
Daily Vehicles594
Road AuthoritySouth Wairarapa District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentThe distance between the crossing and Johnston Street might be insufficient to achieve stacking clearance for long commercial vehicles.
Risk exists of overshooting the crossing when performing right turning maneuvers towards the crossing from the Johnston Street intersection.
NameWoodside Road Woodside
Track Distance65.33
Road NameWoodside Road
Nearest TownGreytown
Lat/Long:-41.0665, 175.4036
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles585
Road AuthoritySouth Wairarapa District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentThere are no apparent design issues affecting safety at this crossing.
NameMatarawa Road Matarawa
Track Distance67.52 km
Road NameMatarawa Road
Nearest TownGreytown
Lat/Long:-41.0556, 175.425
Traffic ControlsStop Signs
Daily Trains13
Daily Vehicles70
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentThis crossing is dangerous because of the severe skewed alignment of the road over the crossing. This makes it very difficult for people to see approaching trains from all directions when stopped at the crossing.
Due to the low traffic volume the Council should alter the crossing to place that section of road at right angles to the track, or if appropriate, the crossing and road past the crossing should become private.
NameMoffats Road Matarawa
Track Distance69.44 km
Road NameMoffatts Road
Nearest TownGreytown
Lat/Long:-41.0495, 175.4463
Traffic ControlsStop Signs
Daily Trains14
Daily Vehicles120
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentDue to the adjacent intersection of Railway Road there is insufficient stacking clearance for vehicles between the intersection and crossing.
NameWatersons Line Matarawa
Track Distance71.04 km
Road NameWatersons Line
Nearest TownGreytown
Lat/Long:-41.044, 175.4564
Traffic ControlsStop Signs
Daily Trains14
Daily Vehicles54
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentDue to the adjacent intersection of Railway Road there is insufficient stacking clearance for vehicles between the intersection and crossing.
Safety risk of overshoot exists for any right turning maneuver from the adjacent intersection that exits over the crossing.
Due to the small traffic volume, the council should consider closing this crossing and improve the intersection at the other end of Railway Road.
NameHodders Road Matarawa
Track Distance73.25 km
Road NameHodders Road
Nearest TownGreytown
Lat/Long:-41.0369, 175.49
Traffic ControlsStop Signs
Daily Trains14
Daily Vehicles61
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentA significant sight line problem exists at this crossing due to the skew angle of the road. This creates a major safety risk for road user who could have difficulty seeing approaching trains from all directions when stopped at the crossing.
Given the low traffic volume and lack of alternative access the only reasonable solution is for the council to upgrade the road crossing to place road and rail at right angles to improve the sight lines. Making the crossing and road beyond the crossing private is another option if appropriate.
NameDalefield Road Carterton
Track Distance73.62 km
Road NameDalefield Road
Nearest TownCarterton
Lat/Long:-41.0358, 175.494
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles380
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentGiven the traffic controls provided there are no obvious design issues affecting safety at this crossing.
NameLincoln Road Carterton
Track Distance74.8 km
Road NameLincoln Road
Nearest TownCarterton
Lat/Long:-41.032, 175.5072
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles1267
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentGiven the traffic controls provided there are no obvious design issues affecting safety at this crossing.
NameBrooklyn Road Carterton
Track Distance75.29 km
Road NameBrooklyn Road
Nearest TownCarterton
Lat/Long:-41.0299, 175.512
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles467
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentGiven the traffic controls provided there are no obvious design issues affecting safety at this crossing.
NameVictoria Street Carterton
Track Distance76.18 km
Road NameVictoria Street
Nearest TownCarterton
Lat/Long:-41.0243, 175.5198
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles570
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentThere are no obvious design issues affecting safety at this crossing.
NamePembroke Street Carterton
Track Distance76.44 km
Road NamePembroke Street
Nearest TownCarterton
Lat/Long:-41.0228, 175.5219
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles1693
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentA safety risk exists with the second track on the crossing as the train at the platform would block visibility of trains using the second track. This could be overcome by upgrading the warning devices at the crossing.
A safety risk exists for pedestrians using the footpath into Carterton Station adjacent to the crossing as there is no visual warning device at the crossing facing where this path meets the road. This could be overcome by installing an extra light.
NameBelvedere Road Carterton
Track Distance76.77 km
Road NameBelvedere Road
Nearest TownCarterton
Lat/Long:-41.0207, 175.5248
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles1170
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentA safety risk exists with insufficient stacking clearance between the crossing and the adjacent Broadway intersection.
There may be a safety risk of insufficient stacking clearance from the Wyndham Road intersection. The best safety solution is to close intersection(s) as road(s) have convenient alternative access nearby.
NameRhodes Street Carterton
Track Distance77.12 km
Road NameRhodes Street
Nearest TownCarterton
Lat/Long:-41.0185, 175.5278
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles400
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentThere are no obvious design safety issues affecting this crossing.
NameKent Street Carterton
Track Distance77.3 km
Road NameRhodes Street
Nearest TownCarterton
Lat/Long:-41.0173, 175.5294
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles1600
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentCarterton District Council should assess the risk to crossing safety from heavy commercial vehicles entering/exiting the premises of ITM Timspec at 30 Kent St due to close proximity of the crossing and consequent possible stacking clearance issues and impose traffic restrictions if necessary.
NameAndersons Line Carterton
Track Distance77.91 km
Road NameAndersons Line
Nearest TownCarterton
Lat/Long:-41.0135, 175.5346
Traffic ControlsStop Signs
Daily Trains14
Daily Vehicles149
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentThere are no obvious design safety issues at this crossing.
NameChester Road Carterton
Track Distance79.44 km
Road NameChester Road
Nearest TownCarterton
Lat/Long:-41.004, 175.5346
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains14
Daily Vehicles149
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentThe entrance to the Wairarapa A&P Showgrounds may be close enough to the crossing to create stacking clearance issues for heavy commercial vehicles. The risk of this should be assessed by Carterton District Council and if necessary traffic restrictions imposed.
Two private roads form an effective four way intersection close to the northern approach onto the crossing. Carterton District Council should assess the risk of stacking clearance issues for heavy commercial vehicles entering or exiting these roads and if necessary impose traffic restrictions.
NameWiltons Road Waingawa
Track Distance83.5 km
Road NameWiltons Road
Nearest TownCarterton
Lat/Long:-40.9787, 175.5825
Traffic ControlsStop Signs
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles150
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentThere are no obvious design safety issues at this crossing.
NameNorman Avenue Waingawa
Track Distance84.79 km
Road NameNorman Avenue
Nearest TownMasterton
Lat/Long:-40.9787, 175.5825
Traffic ControlsBarrier Arms
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles870
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentThis crossing has existing insufficient stacking clearance for heavy commercial vehicles dating from its historical T intersection state. This was exacerbated with the effective extension of Waingawa Road into Pahiki Road during development of the industrial park on the south side, making the intersection four way. Transit NZ sought to have Norman Avenue closed at its junction with SH2 at that time, which would have alleviated some of the safety problems from the intersection. Another risk is from overshoot of the crossing by vehicles making a right turn from Waingawa Road.
There was a level crossing collision here in 2017 involving a heavy commercial vehicle. This resulted in Kiwirail upgrading the traffic controls to barrier arms in 2019.
Carterton District Council temporarily closed the SH2 / Norman Avenue intersection also in 2019; this increased the incidence of right turns required to access the Normans Road crossing thus increasing the risk of crossing overshoots. The proposed permanent change to the SH2 intersection would allow the road to continue to be used for heavy traffic and has not in any way considered the safety risks at the crossing.
Carterton District Council should consider closing the Normans Avenue crossing and forming road access into the area from Norfolk Road.
NameNorfolk Road Waingawa
Track Distance85.42 km
Road NameNorfolk Road
Nearest TownMasterton
Lat/Long:-40.9672, 175.5994
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains14
Daily Vehicles1446
Road AuthorityCarterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentThere is insufficient stacking clearance from the T intersection of Waingawa Road south of this crossing, and from the log loading yard exit north of the crossing. Also see comments about Norman Avenue Crossing.
NameNgaumutawa Road Solway
Track Distance86.9 km
Road NameNgaumutawa Road
Nearest TownMasterton
Lat/Long:-40.9589, 175.6131
Traffic ControlsBarrier Arms
Daily Trains9
Daily Vehicles3600
Road AuthorityMasterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentInsufficient stacking clearance is a hazard due to the close proximity of the intersection with Upper Manaia Road.
NameJudds Road Solway
Track Distance87.85 km
Road NameJudds Road
Nearest TownMasterton
Lat/Long:-40.9545, 175.6229
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains12
Daily Vehicles892
Road AuthorityMasterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentInsufficient stacking clearance at the north side is a safety hazard. Commercial premises entrances on the south side should be assessed by Masterton District Council and traffic restrictions imposed if necessary.
NameHillcrest Street Solway
Track Distance88.36 km
Road NameHillcrest Street
Nearest TownMasterton
Lat/Long:-40.9522, 175.6281
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains12
Daily Vehicles1175
Road AuthorityMasterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentNeed confirmation that safe stacking clearance is achieved. Private road on the south side is too close to the crossing and creates safety risks especially with heavy commercial vehicles.
NameCornwall Street Masterton
Track Distance88.93 km
Road NameCornwall Street
Nearest TownMasterton
Lat/Long:-40.9497, 175.6339
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles846
Road AuthorityMasterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentUncertain if commercial premises entrance on north side allows sufficient stacking clearance.
NameRenall Street Masterton
Track Distance89.49 km
Road NameRenall Street
Nearest TownMasterton
Lat/Long:-40.9471, 175.6397
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles4273
Road AuthorityMasterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentNeed confirmation that safe stacking clearance is achieved from the intersection of College Street at the south side of the crossing. Unauthorised access into the rail corridor possibility on the north-west side and commercial premises entrance on the north-east side create possible additional risks; Masterton District Council should assess the risk of HCVs accessing the commercial premises and if necessary impose traffic restrictions.
NameAkura Road Masterton
Track Distance91.16 km
Road NameAkura Road
Nearest TownMasterton
Lat/Long:-40.9471, 175.6397
Traffic ControlsFlashing Lights
Daily Trains10
Daily Vehicles4423
Road AuthorityMasterton District Council
Aerial View
Safety AssessmentAssurance is needed that the commercial premises entrance on the north-east side of the crossing is not too close to the crossing.
